Sunday, September 20, 2009

Heavy Metal Church

Heavy Metal Church
Heavy Metal Church

What do you think? Leave your comments here, or shoot me an email.


Anonymous said...

I think that this church is appealing to those in the community that would not normally step inside a church. Everyone worships in a different way, one must make sure they dont confuse music and worship though...if they are as progressive in their preaching as they are their music, they're doing alright.

Anonymous said...

Our Church has always had a saying, What a church does to draw them in they will to do to keep them in. If they use fleshy music to draw them in they will have to keep appealing to the flesh to keep them. If it is not the Holy Spirit drawing them in then they are just coming for a concert. Even though they may hear the Word of God after it doesn,t change them unless the Holy Spirit is dealing woth them. The bible says God opens our understanding to the scriptures. I can hear it all and still not have a ear to hear. Thats not to say God can,t use the church to minister because it is God not man that opens hearts, but how can it be a place of worship when men are drawn in not by God,s Holy Spirit but music that apeals to the flesh?

Anonymous said...

Heavy metal is not from God. You cannot understand the words that are being screamed. Combining it with the Lord makes a mocking of our Lord.