Monday, July 14, 2014

Which Bible verse describes me?

>This is a short a simple quiz to find out which Bible verse best
>describes me?

>Check it out here.

Thank you, Hollywood.

My fellow church-goers, and I have criticized you a lot on the
past. We've had a holy-than-thou attitude towards you. Some of our
best preachers have preached against you, and even accused you of
being "godless" and going straight to hell. WOW. In hindsight now,
I wouldn't blame you if had decided that you didn't want anything to
do with us. Still, it seems that you didn't take it
personally. While we were putting you down, you turned the other
cheek and have now brought us some amazing movies in 2014. Movies
that we can go and see, and not complain about. Like Son of God,
Heaven is for Real, and now Moms Night Out. (Even Noah wasn't all
that bad.) I just wanted to say "thanks." You didn't have to do it
but you did. You didn't have to learn our special Christian nuances
and standards, but you did. Maybe you aren't so evil after all? So
again I say, thanks! And keep 'em coming!

Thoughts from Faron Dice

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Citizen's Way - Concert

Citizens Way in concert immediately after the Ball Game (Ball Game starts at 2 PM on 7/20/14). The concert is free after the Lugnuts ball game - sponsored by Great Lakes Christian College.|#33604

Modern Day Cure @ Rock The Island

Congratulations to Smile FM's Michigan Made Music contest winner MODERN DAY CURE! Look for them at Rock The Island, July 19th in Saginaw.